How to communicate a merger: Two styles, one company

How to communicate a merger: Two styles, one company

During the talk, the dynamic and changing role of communication in the legal sector was delved into, particularly in the context of corporate mergers, a topic that is undoubtedly crucial for both the internal and external strategy of companies.

The Evolution of Communication in Law

The program began with Guillermo recalling his 25 years in the legal profession, a career that has seen significant transformations. Previously, communication in a law firm was almost nonexistent, limited to word-of-mouth interactions between trusted clients. However, today, effective communication is essential for the survival and growth of a law firm. Guillermo stressed that the lack of communication, which was once the norm, would now be unthinkable and counterproductive.

Jesús Vadillo complemented this vision with his experience, marking the contrast between the initial use of email in the nineties and the immediacy of current communication tools. The ability to quickly communicate significant changes, such as a merger, has completely revolutionized the legal landscape. They both agreed that communication has not only changed, but has become an essential element of modern legal practice.

The Merger of Prolaw and Iberia: A Strategic Communication

A focal point of the interview was the recent merger between Prolaw and Iberia, forming Prolaw Iberia. The merger, as Jesús explained, was communicated both internally and externally with great care to ensure a smooth and effective transition. Internally, communication focused on reassuring and motivating staff about the benefits and opportunities the merger would bring. This was crucial, since integration directly affects all levels of the organization.

Externally, the strategy sought to assure clients that the merger would improve the service offered without disrupting established relationships or increasing costs. Lawyers emphasized that communicating mergers successfully requires a delicate balance between showing immediate benefits and managing long-term expectations.

The Importance of Internal Communication

Guillermo argued that, in many cases, internal communication is even more critical than external communication, especially in the legal sector, where professional autonomy is the norm. A poorly communicated merger internally can result in discontent and disorganization, which could sabotage the success of the operation even before external challenges arise.

The Challenge of Integration

Jesús detailed the integration process, describing it as a “courtship” that allowed both Prolaw and Iberia teams to evaluate their compatibility before formally committing. This period of prior collaboration helped establish a solid foundation for the merger, allowing for a smoother and more effective integration.

Looking Towards the Future

The interview closed with a look toward the future, where Guillermo and Jesús expressed optimism about the benefits of the merger. They are committed to continuing to strengthen integration and to demonstrate to their clients and employees that Prolaw Iberia represents an opportunity for everyone.

In summary, the interview on “Tinku Corporate Talks” not only offered insight into the impact of communication in the legal world, especially in the context of mergers, but also highlighted how adaptation to new realities is essential for success in any sector. professional. The experience shared by Guillermo Hernández and Jesús Vadillo underscores once again the importance of effective communication, both internal and external, in the modern era of the legal profession.

Video of the interview (Spanish)

PodCast (Spanish)
How to communicate a merger: Two styles, one company with Guillermo Hernández and Jesús Vadillo

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