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Managing partner
Founding Partner
Tax and Real Estate

Jesús Vadillo Gutiérrez

Jesús Vadillo Gutiérrez is currently the managing partner and founder of the law firm PROLAW & IBERIA Abogados and manages the tax department.
His professional journey includes:

  • Serving as a lawyer in the tax department of Arthur Andersen Asesores Legales y Tributarios from 1995 to 1997.
  • Working as a lawyer in the tax department of Garrigues Abogados from 1998 to 2001.
  • Being a part of the tax department of Nauta Dutilh and later Hammonds from 2001 to 2006. Since February 2015, he has been a member of the advisory board of Centum, Research & Technology.
Additionally, he holds several other positions, such as:
  • Member of the Editorial Board and Advisor for the specialized journal “Estrategia Global.”
  • Active member of the Board of Directors at various industrial and property companies.
  • Legal advisor and member of the Family Council for several family groups.

His professional practice has focused on the tax area with consolidated experience in:

  • Wealth tax planning for individuals, corporate entities, groups of companies, and family assets at both national and international levels.
  • Real estate operations, having participated in numerous transactions of this nature representing investment funds, development companies, and multinational groups.
  • Professionally intervening in numerous actions representing taxpayers before the Tax Administration and the administrative and Justice Courts.
  • Serving as secretary of the board and legal advisor on numerous administrative boards.


  • In 2006, designated by the magazine “International Tax Review” as one of the best lawyers experts in indirect taxation
  • Lecturer in the Department of Financial Law of the Rey Juan Carlos I University from 1995 to 2015.
  • Lecturer in different Master programs at the Garrigues Study Center from 1995 to the present.
  • Lecturer at other business schools, regular lecturer and speaker at courses and colloquia, as well as author of various publications in the specialized press


  • National and International Tax Planning
  • Commercial Law
  • Business restructurings
  • Family businesses
  • Taxation in M&A
  • International tax planning


  • Real Estate
  • Family assets
  • Industrial companies


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law
  • Diploma in Economic and Business Sciences
  • Administrative manager
  • Qualified insurance mediator
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Doctorate in Financial Law from the Complutense University of Madrid
  • Master’s Degree in Tax Consulting Centro S. Ignacio de Loyola de Madrid
  • Master’s Degree in Taxation Garrigues Studies Center
  • Master Executive MBA in management of professional services companies at the Garrigues Study Center


  • Spanish
  • English
  • French


  • Patron of the Pablo Hortsmann Foundation
  • Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid
  • Spanish Association of Tax Advisors AEDAF
  • Partner and founding member of the Association of alumni of the Garrigues Studies Center and of the Asocia magazine aimed at former students and collaborators of the Center.
  • Spanish Association of Financial Law AEDF

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Jesús Vadillo Gutiérrez

You can contact with Jesús Vadillo Gutiérrez by the following media:

Tel.: +34 917342900


Jesús Vadillo Gutiérrez

María Luisa Corral González-Baylín

Guillermo Hernández González-Meneses

Íñigo Álvarez de Toledo

Arantxa Arroyo de Francisco

Sofía Fuentes Nieto

Juan Garnica Berga

Inés de Alvear Trenor

Pablo Arias Medina

Elisa Arsuaga Santos

Mª Jesús Bravo Mora

Gema Campillos García

María del Valle Gili Ruiz

Eduardo Estébanez Alonso

Íñigo Molero Menéndez

Myriam Otero Moyano

Paloma Torres del Molino Artieda