
Defense, Security and Aerospace


Sectors: Defense, Security and Aerospace


PROLAW IBERIA distinguishes itself as one of the few law firms in Spain that possesses an extensive background in rendering legal advice to the defense, security, and aerospace sectors. Our legal acumen in this field has a clear transversal orientation, including the different areas of law:

  • Contractual commercial advice on mergers and acquisitions, joint venture agreements, establishment of investment or contracting vehicles (SPVs); teaming agreements to develop joint procurement strategies.
  • Internationalization of Spanish defense companies.
  • Advice to foreign investors in defense-related activities: prior authorization of investment in Spanish companies, legal framework for defense activities – compliance -, due diligence processes for investors and financiers.
  • Regulatory advice: access to sectorial registries (DGAM) and pre-contracting procedures regarding confidentiality and security of information, classification procedures for contracting with the Spanish public sector, legislation on import and export of defense and dual-use material.
  • Preparation of appeals against administrative contracting resolutions: against specifications, procedural acts, or resolutions: administrative and contentious-administrative proceedings.
  • Administrative contracting: public bidding processes for defense programs, establishment of the most appropriate contracting vehicles (joint ventures, joint ventures, joint ventures), negotiation of administrative contracting specifications, negotiation of the various subcontracts present in the supply chain and subcontracting of large defense programs.
  • Protection of intellectual property and know-how: review of contracting terms and administrative specifications and preparation of know-how protection clauses.
  • Contracts and public-private collaboration schemes.