
Transfer Pricing


Practice Areas: Transfer Pricing


PROLAW IBERIA offers a range of services adapted to the level of maturity of your organization (SMEs and large companies) and to the type of transfer pricing policies applied. In summary, the following is a list of our main services:

  • Design and planning of related operations
    • Fiscal and financial optimization,
    • Risk reduction and control in other jurisdictions, etc..
  • Transfer pricing documentation:
    • Group and Taxpayer Documentation,
    • Documentation of permanent establishments, etc..
  • Support documentation:
    • Deductibility of intragroup services,
    • Comparability of internal transactions,
    • Substance of intragroup transactions, etc..
  • Diagnosis and risk management (Tax inspections).
    • Forecasting and management of risk areas.
    • Defense of policies implemented, etc..
  • Valuation of assets and intangibles.
    • Corroborative and supportive economic analysis in corporate transactions.
    • Implementation of the Patent Box, etc..
  • Assistance in the Transfer Pricing Cycle - Management and Control.
    • Turnkey: Comprehensive transfer pricing management.
  • Risk matrix for related-party transactions.
  • Design of new operations (business, financial).
  • Documentation of related-party transactions (group, taxpayer, etc.).
  • Contract review,
  • Support for special projects, etc..